The majority party can get things done in two ways. They can impose their will procedurally (outvoting the opposition) or they can impose their will politically (embarrassing the opposition). To make the beating seem more palatable to the losers and less arrogant of the winners, the majority calls imposition of its will politically "bipartisanship." That is all bipartisanship has ever meant.
Mitch had a lot of success thwarting Obama, so much success that Congress's approval rating never went above 20% in Obama's second term but the people were still willing to elect a lying RINO sack of shit as president. I don't believe that strategy will work again, because I think Biden will do a better job of hanging obstruction around McConnell's neck.
But no one should be surprised or alarmed by McConnell's posturing. Even McConnell said that 100% of his attention is on defeating the Democrats' radical socialist agenda, "depending on what it is." In other words, he said NOTHING about his plans. The 100% number was his way of refusing to comment on the shit going down in the House or the voter suppression efforts going on in Red states. Being "100% focused" on the legislative process, he's in no position to comment on how his party is destroying the country. This is, in effect, Mitch REFUSING to support what his party is doing. You just need to speak Polish (i.e., the language of Pols).