"The mild-mannered politician [Raffensperger] has shown tremendous integrity and insight throughout the election fraud chaos."
I'll grant you integrity, but not insight. The man voted for Trump twice. That makes him uninformed, misinformed, or stupid. Considering his public office, I'm going with stupid. He is a fucking moron, proof that there are some very decent idiots out there who are, as the old song goes, more to be pitied than censured.
Today is "safe harbor day" (one day after Pearl Harbor Day). Under our law, results certified by today cannot be challenged after today. Some Republicans may speak up tomorrow. The EC votes on December 14. Some more may speak up then. I would think they'd want to acknowledge Biden's victory well before the run-offs in Georgia as a way to support the "Georgia firewall" argument. If the GOP has the White House, they don't need the Senate, right?
I have been disappointed in our media. They keep asking these Republican office-holders who won the Presidential election. How can down-ballot candidates who dent the validity of Trump's loss assert their own wins? Lots of people have commented on that inconsistency, but I have not seen one newshound actually ask a winning representative or senator why they think they won their own election.