Dec 21, 2021


The nice thing about the TINA (There is No Alternative) argument is that it's falsifiable. All it takes is one counterexample, so stay tuned!

How many counterexamples do the arguments you "refuted" require? I would love to stay tuned, but since a counterexample that addresses my claim must be sustainable, I will not live long enough to see a new system prove itself.

I did found a startup and made a lot of money. Being a big-C Capitalist made me acutely aware of how it corrupts you. I wouldn't wish it on anyone...

Now THAT sounds like an interesting cautionary tale. I think readers would enjoy an account of your journey to Hell via Bank Street. Which of the four "virtues" of capitalism did your successful start-up not exhibit? Are you still corrupt?




Written by Remarkl

Self-description is not privileged.

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