The phrase “Why should women fight so hard? Just find a good man to marry” is a poisonous chicken soup that almost all women have heard.
Unless, like the vast majority of women, you are one for whom that is excellent advice. Only elitists bridle at rules, because the rules weren't created for them. The rules were created for people whose lives they make easier. If that group does not include you, don't make the mistake of thinking it does not exist or that you are not an outlier for not being in it.
Enforcing the rules is how society applies energy to reduce entropy. What you call inequality is adaptive specialization. It cannot be abolished without a loss of Darwinian effectiveness. Egalitarian feminists mistakenly believe that we have outlived trade-offs, that men no longer need to provide and protect and women no longer need to enable and nurture.
Abundance has fooled us. Places where abundance isn't a thing still have rules, some quite dreadful. But with prosperity comes relaxation. There comes a point, though, at which the rules are not so dreadful, and they do more good than ill for the majority of people.
Those people, however, rarely write for Medium.