The problem with SMV rating women on a scale of 1–10, or SMV in general, is that no universal scale can be applied to all women.
Holy shit! I never thought of that! At some point, it should become obvious that if a rating system allegedly rates something that can't be rated, it is rating something else. Duh.
SMV is how men test their notion of a woman's attractiveness against the opinions of other men. If my 10 is a 3 on everyone else's scale, someone is missing something. Maybe I can learn from the discrepancy. Or maybe I am an outlier and am fine with that. What I do with the datum is my business. But it is a datum.
Conversely, SMV is like sports, a male bonding tool. Our friends tend to be people who "think like us." Birds of a feather flock together, and, whereas some plumage is obvious, other indicia of "sameness" are less visible. How we rate women becomes a measure of like-mindedness. SMV provides a measure not of female attractiveness, but of male sameness regarding female attractiveness. The device may have a negative implication on women, but the problem there is not that SMV is inaccurate; it's that it exists at all. And it exists because it serves a purpose, not between the sexes, but among men.