The thing about libertarianism is that, to borrow from another astute woman, there is no there there. That's why it attracts wacko barnacles like Hoppe. Libertarians stake out anti-government positions, so anti-government people declare their "shared" commitment to the movement. So, one sees articles like this one, which establish that the crazies are crazy, but not that the libertarians are right.
There are two basic attitudes toward government. One thinks about what government should permit, and the other thinks about what government should prohibit. I put myself in the latter group, as would self-styled libertarians. The difference is that my position is not derived from some sort of first principle about "owning" my body or its creations, or some "non-aggression" principle, as if there actually existed a bright line between "aggression" and the other things that the government criminalizes, most of which are simply indirect or non-violent aggressions.