There are lots of ways for a society to reward and encourage successful capital allocation and entrepreneurship. One of those ways - perhaps the most efficient - is through lower income taxes, especially on the accumulation of unliquidated wealth, which is very difficult to tax as a practical matter.
What would the government do with all the money the resenters would like it to confiscate? Whatever the answer, the government can already do it without increasing taxes. The same haters who want to tax the rich support the MMT view that taxes don't fund anything. (Pace, Mr. Emerson, but a foolish inconsistency is also a hobgoblin of small minds.)
The concentration of wealth in a few hands is a major problem, but the solutions lie in anti-monopoly rules and estate taxes that effectively break up dynastic wealth after it has been created. People who build things have at least show that they can build things; their legatees have not.