There should be no question about Israel’s right to exist based on this history.
I accept and appreciate learning the historical facts. But I do not believe that any country "has a right to exist." A polity can defend its land or it can't. Period. The "right to exist" is asserted by countries that want not to be attacked, including happy places whose occupants want to make wars of conquest an international wrong.
Everyone's ancestors conquered where they live. That's how we make the best use of the limited real estate available to the species. The Jews "earned" Israel by dealing with the malaria in the 1920's. Had they not, they would have pulled up stakes and gone elsewhere, eventually. From 30,000 feet, a technologically advanced culture took over some land and made it productive. That's something the species can applaud: another land mass becoming a source of food. All the rest, as Hillel said, is commentary.