//There's a way to teach students the truth about events without assigning inherent characteristics to anyone's race. //
So you say. Can you show where it's ever been done?
//Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, I've never heard parents complain that when teachers teach children about Adolph Hitler, //
There is no analogy. Hitler was one man, and the Holocaust lasted less than a generation. It was an historical event, not a history. Now, if seven-year old German kids are taught the history of anti-Semitism in Germany (in the way the Brothers Grimm sought to instill it in seven-year-olds), that might be a problem for their self-esteem. But I'm sure they do learn of that history in the later grades.
I don't know what to do about the seven-year-olds who experience racism, but I don't see how not being able to shield them from racism justifies teaching White kids that they are racists. You can try to teach them that just because America is run by White racist pigs doesn't make every White child a worthless piece of crap, but you will run into that problem again that CHILDREN don't do nuance.
Teaching older kids more about the status of descendants of peoples who got here before the Europeans might be of some use to someone, but, frankly, I'm not sure whom. The war is over, and the Natives lost. The Angles and Saxons conquered the Celts. The Normans conquered the Anglo-Saxons. People assimilate because resistance is futile. Today, any kid growing up on a reservation can get a good education and a free ride at any number of good colleges. The reservation is not a prison. Yes, there is discrimination, but it is surmountable in today's USA. Sovereign rights are simply obsolete. Time to move on.