These young women have given up their careers or studies and interests in order to serve their husband’s (sometime boyfriend’s) needs.
This is where the train goes off the rails. It is easier to "serve the needs" of a brain surgeon than to be one. If the object is to earn a good living, then making a home for a successful partner and rearing one's own children seems like a very good use of one's time and effort.
Tradwives (I guess they need a new word now that feminists have sullied "housewife" and "homemaker") have doped out that modern feminism is elitist, that it caters to the minority of women who can achieve more economically by working than by being a competent wife and mother.
When egalitarian feminism reared its ugly head fifty or so years ago, with all its talk about "opportunity," anyone could see that working outside the house would become a norm. A tradwife can compete more successfully for the most economically successful males, the ones who don't need a second income. To blunt this competition, the housewife would have to become an object of disrespect, "staying home and baking cookies," rather than nurturing her kids, enabling her husband, and building a community. This article comes from that place of disrespect.
A "real" feminist would applaud the woman who chooses to make a home. But then, there are no "real" feminists, because feminism isn't really a thing; it's just a rhetorical cudgel.