Trump is popular among the "deplorables." Trouble is, to the woke left, EVERYONE who isn't one of them is a deplorable. Men who feel devalued by modern feminism are deplorable. Ordinary folk who infer from 9/11 that Islam is dangerous are deplorables. Conservatives who think the two-earner couple is a bad business model are deplorable. White people who don't feel guilty about being born that way are deplorable. People who think cops have a hard job are deplorable.
A million votes here a million votes there, soon you're talking about a majority.
I'm a never-Trumper, but I do not suffer from TDS. My eyes and ears still work. Trump is popular because he tells people it's OK to be them.
You go into the voting booth and you see two names. One guy says you're a patriot, the salt of the earth. The other says you're a racist, sexist, multiphobic piece of shit. Which button do you press? It's the self-esteem, stupid.
MAGA delenda est.