Member-only story
Vax-Dodgers are Cowards
We are at war with an invasive species, and war requires service. “Service” in this case means wearing a mask until you can get vaccinated, and getting vaccinated as soon as you can. Service in the war against COVID is not a personal decision. If you don’t get vaccinated, I may eventually die from a variant that arose in your body. The unvaccinated are literally a fifth column, providing aid, comfort, shelter, food, and breeding ground for the enemy. The metaphor really does bear the weight. If you are not part of the COVID solution, you are very much part of the COVID problem.
As with every war, some people are physically unable to participate. Some people — most notably the immunocompromised — cannot benefit from vaccination. They can serve by wearing masks and staying safe. Otherwise, every good citizen will answer the call, because that’s what citizenship entails.
In “real” wars, moral objections can be raised to serving. Conscientious objectors oppose all wars. Does anyone oppose the war on COVID on moral grounds? I imagine there’s someone out there who thinks the vaccine is “unfair” to viruses, but that’s not the complaint one hears from the voluntarily unvaccinated. Other people object to certain wars on principle. Our law isn’t terribly kind to those objectors, but we can at least recognize…