You agree with him that there is a ‘man box’,
We agree that there is one, but not about whether there should be one from which outliers should feel free to escape. At the end of the article, he erases the man box. He does not draw an Anand Box that overlaps or even lies entirely outside the man box. He erases it. If that does not suggest that it should not exist at all, then he’s a poor communicator. If all he’s saying is “do your own thing,” he should not expect anyone who lived through the 1960’s to regard it as new or even provocative. So, to give it substance, I gave it a more powerful meaning. Perhaps that was a mistake.
Also, he writes:
But little could I predict that the maturity of the young minds of generation Z would rival — hell, outshine — most adults I know.
Mr. Anand needs to get out more and meet some more adults. Gen-Z kids are children, just as Boomers and Gen-Xers and millennials were once children. No matter how dumb adults are — we in the US were dumb enough to elect the worst person on the planet as President — I doubt that the maturity of the young minds in the class he met “outshone” that of those kids’ parents. That’s just nonsense, and I’ll admit that it destroyed for me any sense that I was reading a thoughtful writer.