We elected this bastard President. I don't mean we voted for him; I mean he won a constitutionally sound election. That means he gets special treatment, because once we start prosecuting politicians for doing politics, it's game over.
Trump did what he did to win an election. He didn't threaten any women (as far as we know), and he didn't steal any money that his idiot supporters did not voluntarily send him.
My guess is that many voters, not only MAGA morons, sense that problem-solving is a valuable skill for a President. The side of the scale that holds reasons to vote against Trump is way heavier than the side that holds reasons to vote for him. But I don't believe the electorate holds escaping extortion by any means necessary against a pol who is clever enough to do it. Yeah, he committed a misdemeanor, but, frankly, the Manhattan D.A. has bigger fish to fry.
Yes, he's violating the gag order - I especially liked his defense of retweets: "I didn't have time to read them" so I can't be blamed for reposting them." But that's just one of the distortions created by indicting a politician for not playing beanbag. When the defendant wants to be held in contempt, you know there's something wrong with the prosecution.