The most of comments were very negative but probably they missed the fact that Libra could accelerate the process of an effective decentralization of finance that is what we need.
We? Have you read Hobbes? The whole point of government is to prevent a war of all against all, to coordinate, to use the game-theory term, the great prisoners’ dilemma that is life on earth. Monetary and fiscal policy are extremely important tools in that coordination effort. When we come together to govern ourselves, are we really supposed to say that we are not going to govern monetary and fiscal policy? Did you see what happened to Britain when it couldn’t find gold to fend off the Nazis? Lend-lease was reliance on the kindness of strangers. Do Americans really want to be in that position when the world’s reserve currency is controlled by a consortium of already-too-powerful corporations?
In other words, the worst thing about Libra is that it might actually succeed, because it relies on people defecting from the cooperation that makes self-government work. Anyone who values democracy, especially republican democracy, over anarchy should be frightened by, and inalterably opposed to, Libra and its sponsors.