We vote our chromosomes. Most white people and most men believe - more important, feel in their bones - that the Democratic party's principal agenda is to demote them. So they vote for Anyone But a Democrat.
The excuses people give for voting for Trump are self-delusions created to protect their self-esteem. No one who votes his race or sex wants to think he is voting his race or sex; so it's the economy, stupid. Only, it isn't. It's race and sex.
Meanwhile, the people who lost refuse to recognize that genes are powerful things, that these dreadful human beings who voted their race and sex are just ordinary humans, some of whom would rush into a burning building to save your dog. Those of us who believe we don't need our privileges and gender roles to survive life's challenges disapprove smugly of the majority of humans who do need those things. But that's on us. We lost because more people are not like us than are like us. We don't hang out with those people. We fly over them, physically and metaphorically. So we never see them coming. But come they do.