With so many people showing up in hospitals with this bug, why has Watson had so little to say?
I read that there is a high co-morbidity between COVID-19 and hypertension. Is that controlled hypertension, uncontrolled hypertension, or both? If controlled hypertension is a risk factor for serious disease, what drugs are the patients taking to control their pressure? Do patients on ACE inhibitors do better or worse than patients on calcium channel blockers? What percentage of seriously ill patients are on beta blockers?
Lots of people already take chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for lupus or RA. Are they showing up in ERs as often as those who don’t? Are they sicker or less sick?
I read that statins may have a positive effect on outcomes. Again, zillions of people already take those drugs. Who is showing up with COVID-19, and how does their severity compare to their statin dosage? Are second-generation and first-generation statins showing up equally in these results?
We’ve had hundreds of thousands of confirmed cases. Surely, there are enough data points to allow a clever computer to discern patterns. Is anyone looking? Is anything being found?
Enquiring minds want to know.