What are you basing your opinion on? Certainly not that article about life in the world's shitholes.
The subject under discussion is the AMERICAN election. Here in the US of A, salt-of-the-earth women would like nothing more than to rear their own children and be supported by hard-working men, who get meaning from providing for a family. Perhaps I should have said "most American women," although given the context of the my response, that should have been unnecessary.
My argument is "patently false" in the aforementioned shitholes, but also in Western elitist bubble, where the smartest women can go to college and become high-paid professionals. In that bubble, gender roles don't exist, much less benefit anyone. But outside that bubble, where the 95-105 IQ people live, every bit of help with life's challenges matters, and much of that help comes from learning at a young age how to be a man or woman.
The word "most" is in my argument for a reason; what applies to the right tail of the bell curve has no application to the mass of people in the center.