What speaks against colour-blindness in your opinion?
Have you heard the line "'It's every man for himself!' said the elephant as he danced among the chickens."? White people, by reason of their historic depredations, are the elephant, and it just won't do for them to be color-blind if that's the equivalent of saying "It's every man for himself!" But that does not mean that children should be taught the history of racial injustice in America. There is a time for that, and I think early adulthood is that time.
We should also recognize that the obstacle in the path of Black people are just that - obstacles, and those who have in fact overcome them don't need to be treated as needing further assistance. Thus, in circles where everyone has already made something of themselves, color-blindness may be perfectly appropriate. at least in some contexts. In the case of someone like Whoopi Goldberg, for example, there is no need to take her color into account in most interactions. But when she talks about race, we should understand that her experiences are different from ours, i.e., we should not be "color-blind" in assessing the recent fuss over her views on the Holocaust..