When I was lawyering, I would often answer clients' questions by saying "I won't know what I think until I write it down." I have way more unposted drafts than published articles, because sometimes I figure out what I think just short of getting it all down, and then I move on.
When, however, the writing/thinking process results in some insight I suspect might be interesting to enough people, I post it. Of course, I have no clue how to get wide circulation - well, I have clues, but I'm obviously not interested enough to pursue them - so I only make a couple of bucks a month from the partner program.
I try to write well, but the writing is probably too lawyerly - not legalese, but nonetheless dull-ish. I get an occasional smile from the over-educated, but, given that my main reason for posting is to see myself think and maybe provoke useful criticism, flair, as opposed to style, is not a priority. Hopefully my infrequent contributions don't clutter the system or impede those who are actually trying to make ends meet by writing here.