Oct 20, 2020


"When they finished, I was convinced we should ball it up and toss it. We could do better."

WE could do better? WE, who elected Donald Trump? ARE YOU NUTS?????

The U.S. constitution (not to be confused with the U.S.S. Constitution) is like Theseus' ship. We replaced the offending parts when we opted for abolition of slavery, equal protection of all persons, the popular election of senators, and women's suffrage. To complain about the pre-Civil War version is essentially to argue ad hominem: the document was written by some very bright but totally benighted, if not downright evil, old White men, so fuck it, amendments and all, and the horses they rode in on and the statues and monuments they stand on.

What would be in this new, better, Constitution? Would we do away with the Senate and the electoral college? Two Dakotas, right? (Two-word answer to the two Dakota argument: Rhode Island.) The liberals' idea of a better constitution is one where three lions and two lambs vote on what's for dinner. They pretend it's three lambs and two lions, as if that makes it all right, but that just means the lions go hungry.

I'm not going to watch Ms. Shreck's polemic. It's all so very tired and, what's worse, dishonestly reductive. Women have things to complain about, but the U.S. Constitution, as it reads now - the one that authorizes Congress to pass Titles VII and IX of the Civil Rights Act, and the Equal Pay Act - is not one of them.

Start over? Did I mention NUTS?

