While many corporate actions here are consistent with business motives, one cannot rule out the possibility that management actually does care about whether the country they live in goes to hell in a handbasket.
I agree that suppressed public speech becomes samizdat, but the real planning is going on in secret anyway. The low-hanging morons play an important role in operations like the one on January 6. The real conspirators hide AMONG the hoopleheads. Suppose that ONLY those intent on doing real mischief had shown up on January 6, rather than the thousands of idiots who think Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh are actually on to something. What would the action have looked like? What would the response have been? The Twitter audience was crucial to the operation. They were very very useful idiots.
Deplatforming the insurrectionists will force them to act on their own, without the mob to hide among, without the confusion to blame on agents provocateurs. That will make them easier to fight, but I don't really believe it will make them any harder to find.