Who said “Negro” was ever in style?
OK, it wasn't ever "in style."
If you can control the narrative then you can control the outcome.
Most often, history is written by the winners, not the other way round.
Black people had NO say as to what they wanted to be called, until self awareness education and travel.
No one has a say in what they are called. The callers have the say. How many Black people care what White people want to be called?
And furthermore not all Blacks are “African American”.
Black Americans are the ones who demanded that term. I use "Black," just as you do. If you have a problem with "African-American" take it up with the people who insist on it. (Apparently, "African-American is going, yes, out of style. According to the Brandeis Word List, "Black" is back.)
Basically the author is alluding to the fact that we’re just all people and shouldn’t have to be “labeled” by color or ethnicity.
Not all such descriptors are labels. If you are trying to find someone whose identity you don't know, a physical description is useful, and ethnic characteristics are helpful in that regard. So we need words for those packages of traits. Language emerges from the need to communicate something. To say that someone looks x-ish isn't to attribute any character traits to them.
Or perhaps we have a conversation because isn’t it more polite to ask?
Why do you ASSume that a conversation is possible? Do you ask the boy scout who helps you across the street, or the firefighter who saves your dog, or the mugger who steals your purse for their preferred ethnic term?
And Oriental is so condescending and again typical of IGNORANCE.
Condescending to whom and ignorant of what? Westerners call themselves "Westerners." Is that condescending and ignorant, too?