2 min readJul 16, 2019


Yes, the best is the enemy of the good, especially when the “best” is regarded as such for reasons that a majority of voters don’t much care about.

I disagree that “electability” implies male and white. BHO got 40% of white votes, largely IMHO because he did not run as black man. He ran as “a skinny kid with a funny name.” Do you think he left his racial identity out of that phrase by accident? Do you think black voters cared that he didn’t run as a “black” candidate?

Of the Dems who are not white males, Julian Castro and Amy Klobuchar appear to be the least self-consciously identity politicians. I think either of them is electable, although perhaps not nominatable. In contrast, when Cory Booker starts talking about the parochial issues in his neighborhood and Kristen Gillibrand waxes eloquent about having a woman not only at the table but at the head of the table, they announce themselves as one-trick ponies, and it’s a trick too many Americans have no interest in seeing.

The Democrats need to drop identity politics from their patter. Everyone who is adversely affected by their identity in America knows which party is more likely to try to serve their interests. Those interests should be addressed in local advertising to get out the vote, not put front and center in the national campaign. When Trump tells four WoC’s to “go back where they came from,” the response should be “That’s tyrant talk,” not “That’s racist talk.” Everyone who cares whether Trump is a racist knows that he’s racist. Why waste time telling them? Trump needs to be attacked as unAmerican, not as unPC.

Every breath not spent telling a white male manufacturing worker in Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania why he and those he loves will be better off under the Democrats is a breath wasted. Hillary never got this, despite having “It’s the economy, stupid” emblazoned on her family crest. And yet, even having lost the Presidency by running an identity campaign, the majority of non-white-male candidates are seeking the nomination on that basis. No wonder they say conservatives are mean and liberals are stupid.




Written by Remarkl

Self-description is not privileged.

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