You understand that birth control fails, some people get pregnant by sex that was not consensual, etc., and there isn't really any efficient way to legislate those as "exceptions," right?
Those are better arguments than "my body, my choice." You're making progress. But there is an easy way to "legislate" those exceptions: a short abortion window, like fifteen weeks, like in Mississippi. I'm not arguing against abortion, so your arguments for abortion aren't really germane to my comment.
Risk of complications? I have no problem with abortions based on medical emergency. Again, you are making a better argument. But you are not contradicting anything I have said. Maybe that's why you are trying so hard to restate my position.
I think it's silly to disconnect sex from pregnancy. Lots of people have lots of sex while avoiding pregnancy. Nothing always works, which is why abortion, abortifacients, and morning-after pills make sense to me. But to say that unprotected sex while ovulating is wholly unrelated to pregnancy is just silly. The claim may rally the troops, but it does not change minds.
I think your defense of sex is admirable. I like sex. Do it as often as I can. But when I left for college, my Dad announced that he had had a vasectomy, and he handed me a box of condoms. He did not say "Rawdog your brains out; her body, her choice, right." A small amount of self-restraint in honor of the future human life you may have to snuff out doesn't really seem that much to ask. Yes, people are using abortion as birth control. As von Clausewitz might have said, abortion is birth control continued by other means.