3 min readJun 14, 2020


You wrote:

"Your point is that racism will never go away (you don’t say why but state it as fact) so we cannot hold a racist system accountable. '

I don't recall saying that we can't hold a racist system "accountable," but you don't say what "accountable" means, so I couldn't possibly have made a point about it. Do you mean punishing bad cops? I'm for that. Do you mean improving relations between cops and the communities they police? I'm for that. I don't mean to obfuscate. There really are so many ways to hold a system accountable that it is impossible to say whether it can or should be done within someone else's meaning of the term. I try not to be so vague.

Your first comment says:

"So what you took away from this article is that police brutality, specifically the murder of Black people at the hands of police (non-white and white alike) is not an issue that matters until Black on Black crime is solved?"

I didn't take anything away from the article. I disagreed with the article. I made an observation about one necessary (but not sufficient) condition for black people to not to be fucked over. It's not a moral judgement, nor is it an excuse for anyone's bad conduct or for "the system" or the cisheteropatriarchy of whatever other nebulous thing needs fixing. Black people are angry because they are being killed by cops; white people don't care because black people are being killed by black people. I did not say white people SHOULDN'T care. I said they DON'T care and WON'T care until black on black crime becomes no more common than white on white crime. Black on black crime is a headwind. Blaming someone else for it, even rightly, doesn't make it less of one.

You call me a racist, but I don't recall saying anything negative about black people in my post. I did say, or imply, that until they stop killing each other in such large numbers, "black lives matter" - as a message and not the name of a group - will not ring true. Does that make me a racist? If so, then you join the myriad others who cheapen the word by widening its reach. (Given that white people are the greatest perpetrators of racism, my claim that racism will always be with us is hardly a racist comment.)

If you're black, you have reason to be angry, and I'm here and probably white, so WTF, give it a shot. But there's no there there. You quote nothing and yet have absolutely no doubt that I mean the worst. That's on you. Well, I guess it's on white people for giving you a reason, maybe even a justification, for thinking with your spleen.

That's why I post anonymously on Medium. It allows people to beat the "faceless racist" who isn't there without my taking it "personally." If I thought people would read to understand, I would use my real name, as I do on some other sites. But Medium is mostly a place where people go to be wrong together, and so prudence dictates that I do what I can to protect myself and my family.




Written by Remarkl

Self-description is not privileged.

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